Lately I've been playing quite a few aliens in my hood and I wanted to explain my take on aliens and the role they play in my hood -
that way when I'm blabbing in a post about them you'll understand what I'm goin on and on about.
First, let me say -
I'm not a huge fan of Strangetown and it's not because of the alien theme there, it's the terrainthat irks me, (too barren and burnt looking).
I tend to stay away because of that, BUT on my other computer I did end up getting quite involved there for a bit and enjoyed playing that elder premade alien, can't recall his name, but I aged him down to an adult and he kinda ended up the "Don Lothario" of Strangetown, (yes, I know he was married but she passed away so he carried on,...).
Since then, my take on aliens and why they want to inhabit my hoods is very simple -
To reproduce and become part of the Sim Society.
I mean, why else would they abduct our Sim guys and send them back pregnant?
And of course, one has to wonder -
why just send the guys back pregnant,...hmmmmmmm?
Does this mean alien males are gay?
In my hood, no, it doesn't mean that, BUT, they are bi.
To safeguard me from droning on and on and boring you all silly -
I am listing my Alien Facts for you and adding some pix here and there to help explain.
1. Aliens are SUPER superior to Sims
As a matter of fact they bring down their superior-ess-ness a few notches in order to co-habitate with Sims.
Otherwise my Sims would have no idea what the aliens were saying or doing,...
Aliens are also quite capable or reading Sim minds.
But after doing this for a considerable amount of time and suffering from the terrible side effect of causing the aliens to instantly fall asleep while reading the aimless, convoluted, simple, mish-mash of thoughts that Sims tend to have, Sim mind-reading was quickly rejected by all aliens.
2. Aliens are NOT ugly!!
Okay, to me, this is an ugly alien.
I really cannot stand their pinchy faces and I really don't care for ELF ears on aliens either -
elf ears are for ELVES gosh-darn-it!!!!!
This is the Pollination Techie 7 alien that's living in the 100 year old PV.
This is Pollination Techie 7 NOW -
Granted he's not the best looking alien in the hood and he kept those blasted elf ears but he likes it.
Aliens can look any way they want.
The only thing they cannot change about themselves is the color of their skin, their eyes or what sex they are.
Other than that they have the ability to change anything about themselves at any given time.
3. Aliens have the power to change anything that want about a Sim
They can age a Sim down to a toddler if they feel like it, they can change a Sim's aspiration, their looks, their sexual preference -
ANYTHING their heart desires, they can change about a Sim!!
Only thing they can't change are the same things they can't change about themselves, (skintone, sex of the Sim and so on,...)
4. Aliens absolutely OWN IT when it comes to sex!
They run circles around a Romance Sim, that's how sexually advanced they are.
And once a Sim has been with an alien sexually they have a REALLY hard time not wanting to go back!!
For example, this is Nestor Caliente -
he's powerless to his want/need/desire to keep hooking up with Poll, (that's what he calls himself in the hood).
The only way a Sim can avoid ending up like Nestor is to not have sex with an alien.
But if an alien decides that he/she wants to have sex with a certain Sim, it's a done deal!!
As far as how things will end up for Nestor, well, ...Poll decided that Nestor should be gay and that is going to cause a few problems in Nestor's marriage, (if she finds out), but as things stand now, Nestor is content with staying married and hooking up with Poll a few times a week. Poll isn't interested in any kind of serious attachment to Nestor -
he's in it for reproduction aspect of it all.
Remember, an alien's main purpose for being in Sim hoods is to put more aliens out there in the hood!!
And Poll has made a good start of it.
This is his daughter, Digit
Poll actually had Digit with ANOTHER alien.
They enjoy trysts with one another on occasion.
The father of Digit is an alien that moved in with Poll as a room mate.
You've met him in another thread of mine, his name is Tryad Wysong.
There is nothing serious between Poll and Tryad -
Poll isn't interested in a long term relationship with anyone right now and Tryad prefers female Sims.
Poll has another daughter, Nessa, that he had with Nestor
Nessa lives with Poll,..
Hope I haven't confused you so far with all this.
Basically aliens have the power to seduce ANY Sim they want to.
And with that power come the Sims that idolize and adore them -
I call them "Alien Groupies".
Like this one -
this is Xena, she's a dedicated Scientist by day
Alien Groupie by night
Xena moved in with Poll to help him re-do his house, (it was HIDEOUS!).
Poll liked her some but he wasn't all that taken with her -
they are very close friends though.
It was when Tryad moved in that everything happened -
Xena and Tryad fell in love and are married now.
They have 2 daughters -
Not all alien babies are born with alien skintones,....
And baby Trujill
Xena has purple eyes,...
Needless to say, the Poll lot is a happy home -
they are reproducing and that's what it's all about for them.
Are aliens monogamous you ask?
No, not at all, not when it comes to sex.
But they are loyal to a fault when it comes to being married and committed to ONE Sim.
To them, sex is just the means to getting more aliens in the hood and love plays no part in that.
Besides, an alien can get a Sim pregnant with just the wave of their hand, (we all know that,...right?).
But they do enjoy sex so they prefer to do it the natural way as much as possible.
And any Sim who has had sex with them is more than happy to oblige!
Here's an example of an alien choosing to NOT have sex with a Sim
Brad Simski was walking by Poll's lot one day just as Tryad was at the mailbox and they struck up a casual conversation about mutual hobbies.
And they even got a little gossip in
Whoever said the male species, (alien or Sim), never gossip has obviously never been to Pleasantview!
And gee, who is this walking by?
Tryad could have seduced Brad right then and there but knowing how HAPPILY married Brad is he figured it best not and just keep Brad as a Best Friend -
there are plenty of other Sim fish to catch out there.
5. Alien Aspirations
They are NEVER Pleasure, Fortune, Popularity or Grilled Cheese Sims - ever!
They are either a Family Sim with a secondary of Romance or Knowledge with a secondary of Romance.
Romance aspirations can only be second.
They can be a Family with a second of Knowledge or the other way around, but when it comes to Romance, Family and Knowledge have to come first.
They have no need for the other aspirations.
When it comes to pleasure they get all the pleasure they desire from gaining knowledge and having babies!
They could care less about fortune because they have more Simoleons at thier disposal than any Sim could dream of!
As far as being popular goes, aliens are naturally loved, adored and revered as the best friend any Sim is lucky enough to find!
And they detest grilled cheese sandwiches!!
So there ya have it -
sorry it got so long but I wanted you to understand the aliens in my hood.
They are fast becoming a very important aspect to my hood and you needed to know this stuff to understand my updates -
even the Simski updates as the aliens have definitely landed there too!!
Sim ON!