
I've been "Sim browsing" the last coupla days -
just checking out other custom Sims that gamers create.
It's interesting to see the many, many kinds of Sims that are created out there and to compare them to the Sims that were being created just a short five years or so ago.
  It's mind-boggling!

I'm not about to add pix of other Simmer's creations here, don't have permission for that but I will write about them, (without mentioning names). Most are wonderfully unique and creative while some are just downright odd and unattractive. But then I'm sure a lot of other Simmers could say that about my custom Sims as well, (that they're unattractive).

I've been writing a lot lately about the overlays and variety of skin-tones that are used to create Sims. All the popular creators are doing it these days.
So I guess those would be the Sims that sizzle, in a "What makes a Sim hot", kinda way.

Valar, one of Victor Goth's children with his alien mistress - 
he's presently a college student and unattached

Is it even possible to have sizzling hot Sims and NOT change them completely?
Well, I think so but I have a feeling the majority of those that are into creating custom Sims don't agree with me. You just don't see many of the, (for instance), Pleasantview pre-mades being made over to look like they originally do. 

Creators like to turn them into totally different Sims and in some cases, you can't find a trace of the original Sim in them at all, with possibly the exception of their color of hair. When it comes to pre-mades I don't want them to look that different.

If you have to change pre-made's looks so drastically in order for them to "sizzle",..well..I'm sorry, that just doesn't suit my hoods.

 I want Lilith Pleasant to look like Lilith  -
not some unfamiliar redhead that I've never laid eyes on!

Personally, I don't think some Sims are capable of being sizzling hot -
Lilith is one of them. I think it's possible to make her quite pretty and attractive but not sexy, sizzling hot. 

But that's OKAY!!!
Not every Sim needs to sizzle. The best thing about our Sims is that they have so much wonderful potential to reflect their character and posses their own unique look and style. I think that's what bothers me the most in these new Sims that are being created out there, they are fashioned to be oddly unique yet they all kinda look the same. 

It reminds me of teenagers.
They want to be totally different than everyone else but then they tremble at the thought of not fitting in with their peers. So, one Sim that was persented with a totally different look basically ended up spawning a wave of other Sims being created to look just like them. No more one-of-a-kind Sim. 

And God forbid if Dina Caliente actually looks like the original Dina, (which I have to admit, is rather hideous). 

 This was the best I could do in making Dina over that
doesn't totally wipe out her signature look.
 And yes, I realize she has the same hairstyle that Lilith does above.
I really don't use it that often, but it worked for them.

For a lot of gamers that Sim signature look and style doesn't matter -
they just want Sims that look good to them and if Dina ends up looking like some totally different Sim, they're good with that. Especially with a Sim like Dina, they want her to be sizzlin hot to match the sizzlin hot Don Lothario they've created, (that doesn't look anything like Don Lothario).

Some pre-made Sims, like, for instance, Daniel Pleasant, I refuse to change at all. Not even in the slightest!  I just can't see him looking any other way. And no, I wouldn't describe him as being sizzling hot, (or even hot really), but that red hair, red beard and tacky gold pleather jacket is what makes him Daniel Pleasant.

I think I'm afraid that there'll come a day that I cross over and all my Sims will look like the one's out there now with all the overlays. It's a creative temptation for sure. But then I stop and think about good old Mortimer Goth and think about what he'd think of all my Sims looking totally "alien" then how they started in the hood.

Don't think he'd be able to understand the whole concept.

I'm obviously thinking on all of this way too much and blogging about it too much. I'll stay with what I know and what I enjoy. 

That's the "Sim Way" to be and if it works for them, it's good enough for me!