My last update was on June 18th 2013.
Oi Vay!
That was one heck of a looooooooong week!
Blows me away it's been almost a year and half since I've blogged about Simming.
And it's not because I haven't had time to Sim, (I have plenty of that).
I Sim just about every day and I think that's the main problem. I'm in my hoods so much I don't have time to blog about what's happening there.
And I've had some personal issues too, (that I won't go into cause it's depressing and has nothing to do with my Sims). One thing that DID happen with my game is that my Downloads folder got so jam-packed, (17 GB), that it was effecting the quality of my game play and I had to take action and get rid of some stuff.
Oh, yes!
And it turned out to be quite the daunting task.
It wasn't organised well at all and I had to basically remove the folder and then go through every file, one by one, adding it back into my game.
*My feelings exactly!*
But while I was going through each and every file I decided it was time to get some defaults in my game. I figured if this junk I hate, (a lot of Maxis clothes and such), is going to be in my game I may as well change it to something I like and will actually USE!
So now I'm hooked on defaulting everything I possibly can.
Have to admit, it sparked some new, much needed enthusiasm into my game play. I go through periods of being totally bored, (think we all do).
You know the feeling, the one where you load your game and then just sit there like a dull bump on a log staring at your hood as you draw a complete blank as to what to do next.
So, while I was sorting out my rat's nest called a Downloads folder I began defaulting. But there's more to it than just switching a few hair styles and clothing.
I ended up doing the one thing I thought I'd NEVER do, the one thing that I told anyone who'd listen, that I'd never, ever do and that's default Maxis' main four skin tones. I never thought I'd do it but I'd created so many customs with the other skins that the Maxis tones looked rather hideous next to them, (it had do be done).
They say every picture tells a story so here's a few pix to show off my defaulted Sims. Have to admit, I prefer the looks of these townies a lot more than before.
*Wanda Tinker*
*Naenae Philippine*
*Tara Kat*
*Denise Jacquet*
More to come,....