I'm not that much into Sim ghosts, not like a lot of other Simmers out there.

The novelty of them wears off very quickly for me and I don't like having them on any of my Sim's lots. I have my Sims take the headstones of their loved ones to cemeteries that I create and if they want to see a ghost, they go there.

Guess I'd like ghosts more if they weren't so redundant, but that's probably too much to expect from the game, (right?)

Although I have seen where ghosts make beds, take baths but mine have never done any of that. They just roam around and pop out at my Sims, sometimes turning the stereo on or levitating lamps and toys.
I dunno, maybe I should give them more chances to show me what they can do?

I recently played my first Cow Plant and it ate townie, Shea Johnston.
I didn't plan for it to happen but it did. I left the headstone on the lot for one night and he was one evil spirited ghost!

My Sims couldn't take him to the cemetery quick enough the next morning.

I found out after I deleted the Cow Plant that Shea's ghost would have gone up and taunted it with a hunka meat - wish I'd been able to see that!

But that whole notion of someone "drinking Shea" after the Cow Plant ate him was totally nauseating to me and I wanted it out of there, so deleted the plant soon after it ate Shea.

One of my first ghosts was a cheerleader in Uni.
One of my Sims fell in love with her and I made her a part of the dorm house. That was a bad thing to do as she never fit in or acted "normal" -
she was forever cheering, never wanted to do her assignments and just basically continued on with her cheerleader role, not even having much of an interest in my Sim that she was supposedly in love with.

So, I had the flies kill her and she was quite the active ghost.
 She liked to levitate all the table lamps in the house and also a teddy bear one of the students had.
Having the cheerleader of a ghost haunting one of my college dorm houses was a cool thing and I just allowed her to stay there.

But on the lots of my Sim families, ghosts might be allowed one night and then they're gone. And the lots that have their own little cemeteries, like the Goth mansion, I have whoever lives there take all the headstones to the cemetery, which I almost forgot to do that the last time I played Mortimer Goth.

 I had all his families headstones placed in his backpack and kinda forgot about it. Had plans to create a cemetery for them but like I do sometimes, I spaced it off and it was right before it was time for Morti to pass on that I remembered it and put all the headstones in his wife's backpack.

After Morti died I created the cemetery and she took all the headstones there along with his.

When I first started Simming I didn't know what a very bad thing it was to delete the tombstones that are already on the lots and I deleted them all!
Needless to say I did end up with some seriously borked hoods.

But there were a LOT of other very bad things I did back then along with deleting headstones so it's a miracle I could play at all, lol.

It disappoints me that the ghosts aren't as active at the cemeteries like they are on residential lots. Usually only about 3, maybe 4 ghosts will appear and they don't stick around for long. I used to have my Sims that wanted to see a ghost hang out at the cemetery all night but it seems once the ghosts disappear, (after only being around for a couple of hours or so), that's it, they aren't coming back.

The ghosts of Mary-Sue Pleasant and Selma Archer, (a custom of mine)

 After Morti died, Cassandra really wanted to see his ghost.

So, I sent her to the cemetery and she busied herself with all kinds of things waiting for his ghost, (or any ghost), to appear.

She hunted for bugs

Got chased by bees


Dug for treasure
Which as you can see, a ghost, 
(one of Morti's relatives, I don't know who), 
wandered around as she was digging.

But Cassandra had no clue the ghost was there.

I sent Cassandra to the cemetery quite a few nights in the hopes that she might see the ghost of Morti.  But the few ghosts that did come out weren't interested in scaring anyone, not even the other Sims wandering around the cemetery and they never haunted the cemetery for long at all.

The ghosts of Morti's relatives again

Even the ghost of Morti appeared, (finally)!
But he never showed himself to Cassandra or anyone else.

So I guess if I want to scare my Sims with ghosts it's best to leave them on their lots. I do love creating the cemeteries and have made some very cool ones since the one I have in the pix here.

It's just too bad the ghosts aren't as active at the cemeteries like they are on lots.
That would make for a lot of fun, especially for Halloween stories.

Ah well, it's not like I'm partial to killing off Sims anyway -
most of the ghosts in the cemeteries are the ancestors of other Sims.

I'll still send my Knowledge Sims that rolls wants to see a ghost to the cemeteries in the hopes they might be scared by one but I won't have them hang out there all night anymore.

Because when cemetery ghosts turn in for the night -
Th-th-th-th-th-that's All Folks!!