
Most of us have Sims we don't like or,..well....hate.
I'm easy-going compared to some gamers I know and it surprises me how some can loathe so many Sims or WHY they can't stand them. Some of their reasons are so petty - like for how they look.
Makes me wonder if they are as ill-tolerant in their off-game life?

Oh well, no matter.

As for me, it comes to a handful of Sims that I cannot stand -
and yes, at times I absolutely loathe them.

They are, (and in the order I hate them):

1. Cassandra Goth

Cassandra Goth tops the list for a variety of reasons.
Mainly I can't stand her because she has the emotional depth of pond scum.
She rolls wants for a baby ALL the time and then never wants anything to do with her children, (at least that's how she is in my hood).

The best way for a Sim to get on my bad side is to want a child and then not roll any wants to interact with that child.
And if all the wants a Sims rolls have to do with what they desire and no one else, that's another sure-fire way for me to hate them.

Cassandra is all of those things -
she'll roll and want for a puppy before she'll roll a want to teach her toddler how to walk or talk. ALL her wants are for things designed for her own personal gratification, NEVER anyone else.

And that's a VERY bad thing in my hood.

I don't, (and won't), kill of Cassandra -
although I have with other similar minded Sims that act like her.
With Cassandra I basically deny her the personal satisfaction from getting everything she wants. I strip her away from all the money and the easy life that comes with living with Mortimer and all his money and put her in a shack and then make her get out there and earn her way.
She doesn't marry Don Lothario or Darren Dreamer, as a matter of fact, I usually don't let her marry anyone.

I did allow her a husband in the second Pleasantview that I played.
He was a good natured, sweet Sim, a townie and I figured she deserved a second chance to prove herself. Well, she was the same way she was in the first hood -
self absorbed, lazy and only interested in feeding her own egotistical wants.
Her husband did all the raising of their children, the cleaning and also had a job.
No, after that, no more husbands for Cassandra!

I think because of my deep fondness for her father, Mortimer, I just can't bring myself to abuse her too much. 

I do little things like give her a craving for too much cheesecake and she gets fat.

Or I might cause the untimely death of her Sim live-in boyfriend, (I don't let her marry), which is always a release from bondage for the poor guy.

None of what I do really matters anyway cause she doesn't really seem to care. Oh, she looks sad in pix above but the truth is she got that Sims death in record time!! She was rolling a want to "Fall In Love" within hours after the flies killed him. Cassandra moves on quite well.

The only time I've seen her genuinely distraught and I mean effected deep down in the heart and soul where it counts, is in ONE situation.

The first was when her dad, Mortimer passed away.
This dude had to come and help her out.

Although she rallied back quite well once her inheritance arrived.

2. Mary-Sue Pleasant

I despise Mary-Sue for a lot of the same reasons that I do Cassandra Goth.
But there is one difference, where as Cassandra's heart and soul is governed by total apathy towards others, Mary-Sue has a downright evil streak in her.
And that's why I turn her into an evil witch, it totally suits her.

But turning her into an evil witch is almost like rewarding her bad behavior - she LOVES being a witch!

Before turning her into a witch this last time in my hood she was forced to endure some unfortunate life events. Which some weren't plotted by me but when they happened they were like icing on the cake! Yes, when it comes to Mary-Sue I have an evil streak too!

Watching Daniel's lovers leave him Dream Date bouquets
didn't seem to effect her all that much.
It was fun for me to watch happen though,...

When she got fired from her job, that was all on her! 

Of course she blamed Daniel for that!

Now, look at this -
Daniel and her split up and he walks away from her
after she just smacked the crap out of him.

He's visibly upset, even though he doesn't want to be with her anymore.
His heart's not made of stone,.....

But look at how Mary-Sue takes it all -
she's off jumping in the puddles having a good old time.
She has NO heart, I tell ya,....

When it was time for her to elder up I wouldn't let 
her be an evil witch anymore.

And she was totally broke by this time -
after spending all her money on evil witch stuff.

Angela and her husband, Joshua had to move in with her 
or she would have lost the house.

Not sure what happened, but as an elder she changed.
She was totally involved with her grand kids -
which she cared less about Angela and Lilith when they 
were growing up.

And she took to creating paintings of Jesus.

By the time Grimmy came for her she had redeemed herself

3. Brandi Broke

I don't have a lot of pix to share of Brandi, they were lost in my old, broken down computer and I just haven't played her that much this time around.

I dislike her for a lot of the same reasons I do Cassandra and Mary-Sue, so I don't need to go into great detail with that.  She is a Sim that I liked at first.
Maybe I just felt sorry for her being a widow and a single parent and all, (I've been a single parent myself), and I really wanted the best for her.

I had her marry Cyd Roseland, one of my favorite Sims, and he was downright miserable with her!! They had a couple of kids and Brandi basically didn't want anything to do with them , BUT she wanted more kids.

That's a big NO-NO with me!! 
Don't roll wants to have more kids when you don't spend any time with the ones you do have!!

Cyd was the work horse around the house and he had a job too. Brandi also had a job and continually rolled a want to quit the job. At the same time she rolled a lot of wants to buy stuff which if you want stuff, don't roll a want to quit your job!!

One night I'd had enough of her!
I had her go take the trash out and the flies came for her.
I did feel kinda bad afterwards but in the long run Cyd met someone else, they got married and boy, what a difference in him!
He was a whole different, HAPPY guy being married to someone that actually wanted to spend time with him and their kids!!

In my current hood I'm giving her another chance.
She's now a cop and NOT married.
Not sure why but that seems to bring the best out in her, having to go it alone.

Hey, whatever works,....

4. Leo Wilke

The main reason I can't stand Leo Wilke is that he's so freakin ANNOYING!!

He walks by my Sims lots over and over and over again!
And if any of them happen to be out there getting the mail, getting home from work or talking to another Sim he just HAS to stand there and gawk at them.

He really gives me the creeps!

I decided to have one of my Sims call on the Gypsy for a date.
I usually use the Gypsy Ball hack/mod but I thought it would be interesting to use the Gypsy for story-telling/pix purposes.
So my Sim doles out the Simoleons for her date and who falls out of the sky but none other than Leo Wilke!!


For crying out loud -
my Sim could have just sat on the front porch and waited for him to walk by and met him for FREE!!

They had a 1 bolt attraction and the date ended as soon as it started!!

I finally came up with a solution for stopping him from annoying me so much.
And this is what I do with a lot of elders that having nothing better to do than walk by my Sim's lots over and over and over again.

I use the SimBlender and turn them into teenagers.
That way they get a change to go to college and maybe even be played in my hood.

And that's what I did to Leo.

He is now a freshman in college and out of my hair!!