
One thing about me and the Sims -
if the game wants/suggests having certain Sims together I will totally NOT allow them to be together.

I've played Pleasantview around 3 times -
and each time I get great enjoyment out of Don Lothario and Cassandra Goth not only breaking up and NOT being together, but also loathing each other.
I don't put Don with Nina or Dina Caliente either.
I'm not a huge fan of the sisters, Nina is soooooo OCD and Dina is shallow.
In other words, they bore me.

Don Lothario is one of my favorite Sims but not for the reasons that most like him. I came to like him when he married one of my custom Sims.
This was the first time I'd played PV, (played custom hoods for a long time before I got up the urge to play pre-made hoods), and I didn't know anything about Don Lothario. My custom brought him home with her one day after work, (she was in the medical field and she was also a Family Sim).
Long story short -
they fell madly in love and being I couldn't allow to have her heart broken by a Romance Sim I changed him to Family.
They had the strongest, most committed marriage out of any Sim couple I'd ever played, (or have played since), and they were the happiest couple I've ever played too. They had 14 kids, tons of grand kids and then my mother-board fried on my computer and poof! They were gone!

Don was an outstanding husband, father, grandfather and he had friends just about everywhere. He'd made it to the top of the medical field, as did his wife, and then he became Mayor, (which he is so darn suited for).

So that's why I am so fond of Don Lothario -
it has nothing to do with him being sexy or hot or anything like that.

One couple that always splits up in my hood is Mary-Sue and Daniel Pleasant.
He's a cheating dawg and I like him to play that role in my hood.
But I don't believe in cheaters staying married so they usually divorce and then Daniel can bed the whole hood if that's what he wants.

I don't like Mary-Sue at all so she's lucky to find any kind of happiness after she splits with Daniel. Although I did find this last time I played Pleasantview, Mary-Sue is a much kinder and a much more decent Sim as an elder than she is an adult.

Here are some pix of Daniel and Mary-Sue ending their awful marriage.

Then once they're divorced Daniel is free to do what he does best

And Mary-Sue can be the evil witch that she is

Another couple that I never keep together is John and Jennifer Burb.
I know that most people do but when I first played them I just didn't get the feeling they were all that happy. Jennifer was only interested in money and John seemed to want so much more. He went out on a walk one day and ran into Nina Caliente - and the sparks between them flew!!
They had an affair, which John couldn't live with so he left Jennifer for Nina, (they divorced). John and Nina always have a 3 bolt attraction and a very solid marriage. Jennifer always takes the break-up hard though, (and it's never pretty when they split).

Both end up happy in the long run.
John and Nina have a very committed marriage and usually have around 4 kids or more. Jennifer always meets someone she does better with than John.

The first hood I played them in Jennifer ended up marrying Dirk Dreamer which was kinda odd, (but they had a great marriage). This last time she married a very wealthy elder Dr and they had a wonderful marriage, (and a lot of kids). 

She was very tore up when he died.

I never put Lilith Pleasant with Dirk Dreamer, in my last hood both married customs that they met in college. Dirk's marriage was strong but Lilith's husband was a cheater, (they are now divorced and she is engaged to a great guy, another custom). I never put Angela Pleasant with Dustin Broke. They both married Sims they fell in love with in college.

I just don't like putting Sims with whoever the game wants me too, lol.
Call me incorrigible I guess.
I did put Dina with Morti the first time I played Pleasantview and they had a luke-warm marriage. This time around Morti married an eccentric old fashioned custom Sim of mine and they have a fabulous marriage. Dina, like Jennifer, married a wealthy elder more suited for her and she was quite happy too.

I like to mix the pre-mades with my customs a lot or have them hook up with townies. Otherwise it's too boring for me.

But that's the charm of the game - 
 you can have any Sim you want with whoever!