
Don't know a Simmer out there yet that isn't obsessed, (to some degree), about how their Sims look. 
Some gamers insist on beautiful Sims, others want unique, while others want the ugliest. I, for one, don't require all my Sims to be perfect when it comes to looks, but I do prefer a pleasing visual quality.

Even at their absolute ugliest, TS2 Sims look 100 times better than the Sims in TS3! But that's not my reason for this post. I wanted to write about how TS2 Sims look, the good, the bad and the ugly.

I know of a gamer that kills off all their ugly Sims, just like that!
I could never go to that extreme but have broke up couples because their kids were just coming out to weird looking. For instance, I had Don Lothario marry a custom Sim of mine, (she was quite pretty), but their kids were downright FUGLY! After their 4th very ugly child that was it, no more kids for them.
And it wasn't just that the kids were "ugly", their faces were kinda deformed. Whatever face I'd chosen to create his wife did NOT mix with Don's, (at all).

There is one face I really dislike and it's the one most gamers don't like -
this one, I call it the Cod Fish Face.

This is one face I steer clear of at all cost -
and that makes me feel rather of shallow that I do that. But I play my Sims for the entertainment value, not to test my gag reflex. Other than that I'm accepting of the way most Sims look. Of course the Ottomas family is hideous as is Jonah Powers. I've never played the Ottomas family but have Jonah. If you can in and change his mouth just a little bit, he's not so bad.

Jonah Powers

A lot of the Sims that other gamers consider fugly I am rather attracted to -
like Ricky Cormier, Brandon Lillard and Alexander Goth, (who has the "Goopy" face).  I don't care for the long, thin, pinched in looking faces like the Capp family has. Now there is one fugly family! Hal Capp is especially awful looking to me which is kinda surprising cause he's a cute kid.

 I don't play Strangetown all that much but there's some fugly Sims over there too. Nervous Subject has a really bad face and it doesn't mix well with others - but I like Nervous so I play him. He's a tranny, (transvestite), in the hood I'm playing now, (and he couldn't be happier). But he makes for an ugly looking woman too, although I think he fares better as a female than a male.

Ms. Nervous Subject

As long my Sims don't all look the same, I'm content. This is why I like to have my custom Sims hook up with the pre-mades and townies. Their kids come out with a look all their own. Some Sims have super powerful genes, Don Lothario.
He has a tendency to give birth to nothing but clones of himself, (if the mother has weak genes). But I don't get all into the "gene thang" like some Simmers do. I just like pleasing looking Sims with a few freaky ones thrown in to make it interesting. 

One thing I really like to do is take an boring, average pre-made or townie and give them a whole new look. Most of them aren't as fugly as they seem. 
They just need a make-over. Below are a few familiar Sims I've made over.

College Students
Orlando Centowski and Lucy Burb

Tessa Ramirez

Jennifer Burb-Wycoff
Her and John always divorce in my hood

Marsha Bruenig

Stella Terrano

Don Lothario 

Melody Tinker

Well, those are just a few.
I'm thinking about a separate page to showcase pre-mades and townies that I give new looks too.

The only pre-made I never change, (not even his clothes), his Daniel Pleasant.
Not sure why really -
his look just suits him and I don't see any reason to change what looks good to begin with.

Daniel Pleasant

Sim ON!