I think one of he most endearing qualities of The Sims is how freakin funny they can be! And most of the time they don't even realize it. And then when they are aware that something humorous is going down and it involves them, what king sized hams they are!!

When I first started playing TS2 discovering all the comical stuff about Simming happened on a regular basis. First time I ever saw two Sims fight, and I mean actually engage in one of their knock-down-drag-out, big cloud of dust brawls, it was between Cassandra Goth and Don Lothario, (I really relished encouraging the two of them to loathe each other). They ended up having more than one scuffle but the first time Don lost to Cassandra and when he ran off and cried like a little girl about it I just about peed my pants it was so hilarious!!!

Not a pix of Don and Cassandra fighting -
no longer have a pix of that.
This is Lilith Pleasant and her cheating ex-husband 
brawling in their own backyard.

One thing they were very good at when they created our Sims and that was making them hysterical!

First time I saw a dog being trained to "Play Dead" I just about fell out of my computer chair it cracked me up so much. It was a kid doing the training too and I have come to prefer a kid do it rather than an adult - much funnier.

Call me easily amused I guess, there are so many things that strike me as totally funny when I play my hood. If I'm not laughing with them then I'm laughing AT them. Just their facial expressions alone put a smile on my face.

Lilith Pleasant

As for myself, I have a very sarcastic sense of humor, (I worship Jay Leno), and I attempt to add a good amount of humor to my Sim Stories. Thankfully my Sims provide a lot of comic relief all on their own while I'm taking pix after pix. The most plotted and planned out story-line oftentimes doesn't even come close to how fabulously hilarious my Sims can be right out the blue on their own.

And then you have the funny pixelated glitches in the game.
Guess you could call them "Sim Bloopers" and as much as they make me laugh I also worry about game corruption as some of those are a sign of that. Then too, some of the glitched out stuff is beyond funny and just downright creepy.

I recently had a funny one after Bob Newbie Sr got out of the shower. 
(I'm playing a Pleasantview hood that's set back 100 years ago and the pre-made families are all the grandparents of the current pre-made families in the standard PV hood).

But anyway, I looked over at him after he got out of the shower as he was heading over to play a game of darts and he looked kinda,..odd.
I zoomed in and this is what I saw.

The shower water was still stuck to him, jetting out in some spots and dripping down in others - it was one of the strangest and funny glitches I'd seen in awhile.
It was especially funny when he went over to talk to his wife and the water was spraying all over her, which of course she never noticed a drop, lol.
It didn't last long, (thank goodness), and have never seen it happen again.

Had a similar thing happen, (wish I had a pix but alas, I do not), when one of my dogs went over to eat, and he was one of those big, pig-pen dogs, so he was chowing down like a piggy, and when he was done eating the kibble kept pouring out from his mouth. It did that for quite some time with the kibble trailing off behind him wherever he went. 

I just can't imagine our Sims NOT being funny.
I know some gamers that play with free-will off at all times and I could never do that. On their own my Sims have delivered some of the most funny moments my game has ever seen! I look forward to what they might do for me next and I give them a lot of free-will opportunity to do so too. 

So a Goopy, an Alien and Bigfoot walk into a bar,...
Oh, you've heard that one already?