Sims and Woo Hoo -
it's a part of the Sim gaming experience that you can't deny or even attempt to exclude. Sims wanting to Woo Hoo is as natural to them as rolling a want to make a friend.

I play a LOT of Family Sims and they roll wants to have a LOT of kids so there's a lot of woo-hooing goin on in my hoods.
Now Romance Sims, I don't like playing them much. I've never been one to approve of casual sex with random people in my own life and I don't approve of it much in my hoods either, (in regard to married Sims).

I wish they'd programmed the Romance Sims differently. 
As they are now they remind me of dogs in heat and that's not very entertaining for me. I like the idea of a Romance Sim who's actually into ROMANCE, not just bedding every Sim in the hood. I will add Romance as a second aspiration with a few of my Sims but as soon as they have kids the party's over!

The first mod that I added to my game that one might regard as being sexually motivated was removing the blur. Guess curiosity got the best of me and I just had to see! Then I saw and it was just too much like Barbie and Ken for me so I had to get yet another mod, one to give them a more "natural" look. In other words, my Sims no longer look like Barbie and Ken when they're naked.

And yes, I visited the Sims "sex" sites out there and even downloaded a few things to bring even more realism to my game but so much of it was in bad taste or just downright shoddy. If my Sims having sex look like numb-minded, out of sinc robots, no thanks!

My Sims aren't sex fanatics but they are sensual, especially married Sims.
I prefer my Sims that are married to stay married and I don't allow them to have affairs in order to spice up my game. I do have a few Sims that I refer to as the "Town Dawgs" and they're the one's that go around humping everything that moves. But they aren't married and if it they are, they get divorced.
Daniel Pleasant is always one of my hood dawgs and his marriage to Mary-Sue ends so he can go about seducing all the single female Sims in the hood.

And I have a few female Sims that sleep around as well -
some of them end up having kids with every Sim they jump in bed with cause I think it' interesting to see how their kids turn out. That's how I break up the monotony in my game, (but it's a now-and-then thing, not a given).
Most of the time the children of these easy female Sims end up being raised by their fathers.

I read the stories out there and it's obvious that a lot of Simmers want to be able to portray their Sims having sex in the most realistic way possible, (using a variety of pose boxes out there). And I would be the same if I went that way with my stories, (but I don't).

I prefer to leave that up to the reader's imagination.
Mainly because I have yet to find a pose box that suits my style of Simming and secondly, my stories aren't focused around all that misty-eyed "Camelot", falling into the arms of a soul-mate kinda thing.

My Sims usually "trip" into love and land flat on their keester!

My Sims do end up loving one another for an eternity and my stories about them are more sweet than surreal. We all have a certain Simming style and that's what makes the game so darn unique - no one has to play the same way.

But I do like to have the blur gone and see my Sims in a realistic way -
and I have one sexual mod that I use now and again. I've tried the chairs, showers, beds and even a vibrator but it was just too weird and awkward watching my Sims using them. The one I've chosen to use is sufficient to any kind of sexy antics my Sims might dream up for themselves.

ACR - Autonomous Casual Romance
Most Simmers know what ACR is and a LOT of Simmers I know have this mod in their game. And that's basically why I decided to give it a try. What a hideous desicion THAT was! Mainly it was dumb for me to add it to my game because I don't allow much of that "casual romance" action in my hoods. But I wanted to check out what all the ACR talk was about so I jumped off the cliff with everybody else.

And I crashed,..well,..my game did anyway.

It was AWFUL!
Something with ACR tweaked some social mods I had in my game and the next thing you know I had Sims falling in love all over the place that should NOT have been!

Basically what happened, (and it took me a coupla days to figure it all out), is when my Sims would get the prompt to interact with another Sim, for instance, to go over and tell a joke, play Punch You, Punch Me or "Admire" a Sim, ACR kicked in and instead they would leap into the arms of a Sim, goose them, kiss them or whatever else causes two Sims to fall in love.

 This really reeked havoc with my happily married monogamous Sims, (see pix above)!
I also had family members farting hearts and lusting after each other, (mothers with their sons and brothers with their sisters!).

I couldn't get ACR out of my quick enough!
But even after it was removed I had the same problems. I had to go through all my many, many files looking for corruption and also get rid of the social mods I had as well. Then I added everything from my Downloads a little a time to get things back to normal. It was a super tedious task and one I NEVER hope I have to go through again!

So sex is good but I prefer my Sims to be more sensual and until they come up with a realistic mod that's more sensual than sexual I'm quite fine with my Sims being quite average and doing things the "boring" way.

Will say though, a little nakedness in game does add some fun!!