Wish List

There's one thing ALL Sims have in common-
anytime you talk to one of us we will inevitably end up telling you what we "wish" our Sims could do, wish they could have or NOT do or NOT have.

I highly doubt there's one single Simmer out that there that doesn't have some kind of "Wish List" in regard to their Sims.
And I am no exception, I have a loooooong Wish List!

If it wasn't for all the things we wish for in regard to our Sims we wouldn't have the tons of cc, mods, hacks and cheats out there for them.
And when a new edition of the Sims approached the horizon, (like it is now with Sims 4), our Wish Lists get even bigger and we become evermore hopeful.

When Sims 3 was about to arrive I was so happy that there would be more than just two body types for our Sims. That really is one thing I dislike about TS2 - only having 2 body types and the one for "bigger" Sims is quite unattractive. Big does NOT equate slob, (not in my book anyway). But then TS3 arrived and I found it downright awful so having more choice with body types didn't matter.
But that's still on my Wish List and if Sims 4 appeals to me in general, I do hope different body shapes, (decent looking ones), are part of the game.

Some Simmers have super detailed Wish Lists but mine is rather general and it can change often. Sometimes something I want turns out to be something I don't care about anymore. But one thing that really bugs me about the game that I wish they could change and that is for family and close friends to be more connected.
For example, when you have a Sim go to a community lot, like a park maybe, it would be nice to see a couple there together or maybe even a whole family hanging out together as opposed to just one isolated Sim wandering around.

 And the choice the game makes for what Sim will roam around the community lots is not very appropriate at times. I sent one of my single Sims out to a bar/lounge in order to meet other single Sims and he runs into one of my very married, very much a mother, Sim at the bar just milling around looking for other Sims to chat with. Now this Sim, the married mom of 3, who also works full time in the education biz would NEVER go and hang out at bars in the dead of night. I guess it could have served as an interesting story-line for her to be seen out like that or worse yet, have an affair with the single Sim I sent there but I just don't roll that way and neither do my Sims. And being I am so strict about random affairs in my hoods, the game placing a married Sim at the community lot also lessons the opportunity of who my single Sim can hook up with. And I wish the game would generate MORE Sims into the community lots when we send our Sims there. I mean how many popular, "hot spot" bars/lounges do you know of that only have 3 customers there at one time? It's silly and it's why I really don't like sending my Sims on vacations - not enough other tourists around to make it seem realistic. But then if my Sims want to "camp out" and get away from the Sim world, vacations can be cool.

Okay, so that was one area of my Wish List and there's something else too, that kinda fits in with the family theme. I wish when one of my Sims call their parent, such as a college student calling home, would recognize their parent as their parent when they answer the phone. I HATE it when a kid will call home, one parent answers and the kid says, "Hi Liza, can I talk to Jason?", instead of  "Hi Mom, can I talk to Dad?"

Also on my Wish List is a better way to age from Adult to Elder.
I'm not that fond of how the elders are fashioned in TS2 - but they have grown on me to a degree. I don't think I'll ever get used to or like the way they walk and then stand there looking like they have no idea of what's happening around them. Granted, that can and does happen to people as they age, but our Sims going from age 35 to 75 bugs the heck out of me! They really need an in-between age that's more like we get from age 45 to 65 or 70.
And since I'm on the subject of age, I know a lot of Simmers that would like a "Tween" age added, one in-between kid and teenager. I would like that too but it's not at the top of my Wish List.

My Wish List isn't packed full of ultra-realistic wants -
such as some Simmers would love to have their Sims breast-feed and give birth to their noo-boo's in a manner that real women do. I'm fine with the way my Sims have their babies now and don't need a breast-feeding option. Maybe that's because I've had 5 children and I just don't need to see that much reality in my game, (been there, done that).

 But I would really like it if my Sims could sit and hold their infants/toddlers in their lap and rock them in a rocking chair. Or when they go to read to their child that they were able to do it cuddled up on the couch.

I know the game creators have to be alert in regard to what child/adult interactions they offer the game because of the pervs out there that would create a Sim world of adults abusing children, (which is very sad that would even be an issue).

Which brings me back to something kinda unsettling that took place in one of my custom cemeteries the other day. I had a mother take her children, 2 kids and a teen there to visit the grave of their grandmother, (plus her teen daughter wanted to see a ghost). I sent them there around 5-ish and figured they'd hang out till after dark and hopefully the teen could full-fill her want to see a ghost. It was right at 6pm that one of my Sim kids, (from a whole different family), came wandering into the cemetery all by herself. I was a bit taken back by that but I guess the game sent her because my Sim mother was on the lot with her kids. My cemeteries are rather dark and creepy looking, (especially at night), and NOT a place that you'd ever want to see a little girl roaming around all by herself!! But I guess the game can't differentiate one community lot from another. Would be nice if it could, (adding that one to my Wish List).

Rather alarming to see a little girl roaming around 
a dark, scary cemetery all by herself!

I wish my Sims could call another Sim to come over and baby-sit.
I know a lot of other Simmers that would like that too.
The nannies the game provides are useless, careless and downright dangerous!

I had a nanny actually TAKE one of my Sim's infants when she was done working. Yep, she just walked out the door with the infant, got into that blue van and was gone, just like that! This is when I first began Simming and it horrified me! I really thought my Sim's baby was gone for good. I didn't know that all I needed to do was exit the lot and come back in and the infant would be there. I stayed on the lot and worried and waited and worried and waited for the longest time. And nothing was happening, the nanny was not returning with that baby! It was winter on the lot too and there was a lot of snow.
 It was very late, like 2am late when I looked over and saw the infant laying there in the cold snow on the side of the road!

 Let me tell ya, that is a HORRIBLE sight to see and it's burned in my memory. I couldn't get my Sim to run out there quick enough and get that poor little baby left in the snow. So yeah, nannies are useless. And there's no reason to not have family and friends be able to come over and babysit - we can invite them over to visit and attend parties, why not to watch our kids? And making it possible for our Sims to have a daycare is also something I wish for.

And speaking of owning a business, I wish a Sim that is a business owner would be recognize by the game as being employed!!!
And since I brought up the subject of owning a business I REALLY wish my Sims could choose from a MUCH LARGER pool of potential employees! Hate that they only give you a few choices and those choices always seem to really suck.

 I really like the OFB EP but I cheat a lot with it. If not it's too frustrating for me and takes too long for any kind of success. I prefer owning shops, bakeries, deli's and things like that as opposed to restaurants - restaurants really bore me.
 I had one where the same Sims came in over and over to eat. With close to 1,500 Sims in that particular hood you'd think the game could come up with more dining customers rather than the same 3 over and over again.
But the game probably figured my Sims that were working the restaurant would wear out long before they needed to send more diners in after the first 3.
WRONG! (maxmotives!)

I could really go on and on and on about all the things I wish for.
One wish leads to another and then another and then another.
And then something I wish for ends up leading to something I wish was NOT part of the game, lol. It really is a never-ending list of wants and not-wants!!

Here are a few little things I also have on my Wish List
(If any of these things ARE possible and I just don't know it, please let me know!)

1. That my Sims could make their own Birthday Cakes

2. That fruit from trees could be harvested, actually placed in crates 
and then have the ability to set them out and sell the fruit to customers from a home business.

3. That kids could get their own cold cereal, could play the drums, run on the treadmill and teach the bird to talk.

A kid isn't allowed to get their own cold cereal in the morning-
but they ARE allowed to do THIS!!

4. Would love to see my Sims mow lawns and vacuum rugs.

5. More variety with ghosts, such as nicer ghosts that show kindness and care towards loved ones, but I like evil ghosts too! I just wish they weren't all the same, that bores me. Plus I hate to see kids getting the crap scared out of them by the ghost of a grandparent they loved and adored.

6. Female Sims abducted by aliens also come back pregnant

7. More toys for kids like puzzles, board games and the ability to allow 3 kids to jump rope, (2 turn and one jumps). Wish they could play hopscotch, make mud pies out in the yard and build snow forts.

8. More flowers, bushes and garden stuff - 
I can't get enough.

9. More critters - At night - deer, owls, bears and raccoons, (no RATS please, I have enough drama to contend with whenever my Sims see cockroaches!).
For the day or as pets - Farm animals for those that want to have Sim Farmers, pot-belly pigs and pygmy goats would be so cool. Roosters that cry out in the morning, flocks of birds that actually come and roost in trees, ducks that hang out in our ponds and that we can feed bread too, (which would be so cool to have in community lot parks), hummingbirds, squirrels and peacocks!

10. The ability for adult Sims to go to college or take specific kinds of classes.
It has always bothered me that I can't send certain pre-mades to college.

11. Ability for college students to live with their parents and attend classes

12. For the "Dream Date Bouquet" to really mean something to the Sim who gets it and that they have some kind of reaction when they view it. And a variety of items that might be left after the Dream Date, maybe a box of chocolates? Have it be a surprise, the same bouquet is so boring after awhile.

13. Being able to carve Halloween pumpkins and have trick-or-treating for Halloween.
Not sure how they would set up trick-or-treating but it would be really cool if they could. I know in TS1 they had pumpkins that would rot on porches - let's bring that back!!

More choices for the restorable car!!
Allow Sims to knit, not just Old Lady Crumplebottom
Better choices in the clothes that our Sims can sew!
Toy making - Dolls and Doll houses!
Robot Station - Build their own computers
Florist Bench - Ability to grow flowers to be used in the bouquets
Pottery Wheel - Better vases and let the kids use it!

Wind instruments
Singing - voice coaches, song writing and choir practice
Instruments - Bongos, mandolin, harmonica, steel drums, acoustic guitar, harp and visiting piano teachers and teaching kids piano at lots.

Kids science projects

Herb gardens that can used in cooking
BETTER hiking trips where they actually spin into some hiking clothes!
Bird Feeders
Ability to grow exotic flowers in greenhouse
Plant trees
Cherry, pear, plum, peach, coconut and lime trees
Raspberry, blueberry and blackberry bushes

15. Chocolate has the power to make Sims happy!!

Okay, I think I've listed enough stuff for one day.
I could list more just as I'm sure every Simmer out there has a Wish List a mile long!!

Who knows what they'll offer us in Sims 4?
All we can do is hope the best and that our Sims look more like they do in TS2 than TS3!

Sure wish I'd been on the creating team for the Sims -
what a cool job!!