Sims 4

So the announcement made a big Sim splash and now everyone is all a twitter wondering if Sims 4 will be the gross major fail that TS3 was.

Okay, most don't express it quite that way, but it is exactly what's happening on all the Sims forums that I frequent. But then I don't hang out in the TS3 circles so have no idea what they have to say about it. If they love Sims 3 then I guess they'll love anything that follows.
And if you don't already know, I loathe TS3.

I remember so vividly back when the announcement was made about Sims 3 coming out, everyone was so freakin stoked! Most of us TS2 Simmers couldn't get enough EP's and SP's to satisfy our game play so we just assumed TS3 would be this grand, magical extension of our beloved Sims 2. For so many, it was a dream come true and we couldn't wait to get our game playing hands on the first EP!

::: insert loud annoying buzzer sound :::

Oh man, we were so very wrong, lol.
And you know what they say about those that "assume" anything - yep, we were the asses blindly following that proverbial carrot before the EA cart.

My main aversion to the game, (TS3), are the hideous looking Sims.
All I see when I look at them are ugly blobs that all look the same with the most dead eyes I've ever seen. They totally creep me out!
And I'm not going to shell out money on a game that makes me wanna hurl when I look at the characters I have to play.

And I'm not big on dot-to-dot quests.
I could care less about digging up maps or having my Sims tromp around looking for treasures or anything else "collectible" unless of course, it's something that can be used in their every day life. For instance, if they were out there collecting plants and such that could be added to their own gardens and actually grow into beautiful flowers, trees or whatnot, then yes, I'd have them go on a quest. But a quest to collect a bunch a crap saved in a backpack, no thanks!

The biggest blunder that I think took place in TS3 is that they thought they could provide the magic of the Sims by way of creating magical experiences, stripping away the magic of the Sims themselves. They also thought providing us a Sim adventure would be more entertaining than allowing us to create our own.

::: insert loud annoying buzzer sound :::

And from what I've read at various forums and listened to at YouTube in regard to the production of TS4, it looks like they know that now, saying their main priority is "Listening to the Sims fans".
And which fans would that be, TS2 or TS3?
A lot of Sims 2 gamers, when they got the news of Sims 4 on the horizon, collectively cocked an eyebrow and in unison, took in a deep breath, exhaling uneasily,.. "Oh really? Well,...we'll see".

How does that saying go?
First time you fuck me over, shame on you, second time you fuck me over, 
shame on me!
Us Sims 2 gamers are quite dedicated to NOT being fucked over again and I really don't know of any that hold any real measure of enthusiasm towards Sims 4 being anything more than a disappointment.

We WANT to get excited about it, (we really do!), but refuse to step in that pile of stinky poo like we did with TS3. A ton of TS2 gamers, (including myself), shelled out the big bucks blindly when Sims 3 came out and most ended up either not playing cause the game sucks the big one or couldn't play it cause our systems couldn't handle it.

And then there are the TS2 gamers that crossed over to TS3 but admit that Sims 2 is a much better game. They also admit they ended up playing Sims3 out of sheer boredom, wanting something to different to look at.
As for me, I'd never be so bored as to defect to TS3.

So now  EA/Maxis has plugged themselves into the Sims fan circuit -
wanting, (desperately), to know what WE want, what WE like and don't like.
I don't know where they collected their special team of fans to pick their brains but obviously I missed that Sim quest.
But it will interesting to see how all this unfolds.

They seem to understand that it's the Sims themselves that made the game a success, (thank goodness they finally see the light there), and have promised to bring the "charm" back to the game. I can only hope that means they are doing away with the TS3 style of Sims because there wasn't anything charming about those creatures.

No doubt I'll be posting about this on a regular basis.
I'm hopeful and I have a "Sims 4 Wish List" just like the rest of the Sims gamers out there.

So stay tuned and most importantly,....

Sim ON!