
You can't be a Simmer and not know who Bella Goth is, (you just can't), and if you don't know who Bella Goth is then you're not, (what I would consider), a true Simmer.

Truth is, I have never played her.
The pix I'm adding of her in this post I swiped off the Internet, (if any of them belong to you and you'd like them removed, just say the word).

When I first began Simming I played only custom Sims and custom hoods.
It wasn't until I gravitated over to the TS2 site, (the old BBS), that I began reading all the stories about the pre-mades and just like any other new kid on the block, I wanted to play too. So I went into Pleasantview and fiddled around with all the pre-mades until my poor old computer's mother board fried.

Of course by the time I got into my own PV hood I knew who Bella was and the whole mystery of what happened to her didn't interest me much. To be honest, I really didn't care. I came to loathe Cassandra, adore Mortimer and genuinely like Alexander. Don Lothario ended up married to a custom of mine, (quite happily I might add), and the whole Bella thing just didn't matter to me or fit into my stories.

I never bring back the dead in my hoods so I wasn't even going to attempt that. Besides, I never thought she was dead anyway. According to Sims Wiki, she's living in Strangetown where the aliens dropped her off after they were done doing whatever with her. 

Well, that's one scenario they offered and they also say her memory is wiped away so she has no memory of her life in Pleasantview. Okay, that makes her even more boring to me. 

Of course a Simmer with a wild imagination, (like I have), could come up with all kinds of way to introduce her back into the lives of her husband and kids. If I were to drag her back to my PV hood I'd use SimPE to do it. But once again, why? I guess she's pretty, not as pretty as some yet better than most. It would be interesting to see what she'd look like after one of my make-overs. But she's kind of like Daniel Pleasant, her look and clothes are totally what makes her Bella. Change all that and you have,..well,..just another Sim.

I actually AM playing Bella in my Pleasantview right now -
my 100 year old Pleasantview, (that I downloaded at GOS).

All the founding families come in the hood ready to pop out the noo-boo's of the parents of all the pre-mades in the current day Pleasantview.
For instance, Mama Lothario and Carmelo Lothario are in the hood and I already have Nicolo, (Don Lothario's father), in college.

In regard to Bella -
the Bachelors are there as well, Simis and Jocasta, and in my hood they have 3 children, Michael, Bella and Bonnie. Bonnie just kind of popped up after Bella was born.

Here's MY Bella with a friend she brought home from school -
even as a kid she has a thing for aliens!

And here's Bella with older brother, Michael

I think the real mystery about Bella is -
how in the heck did she end up with BLACK hair?

Simis has red hair and Jocasta is blond, (this is verified at Sims Wiki), so unless she dyes her hair, something is totally NOT in sync with the genetics of the game! But then I guess most gamers don't care about that kinda thing. It will be interesting to see what my Bella looks like as an adult. Same thing with Michael, he's a ginger head too.

There are a lot of inconsistencies with the Michael and Bella story-line-
and many are pointed out at Sims Wiki. Seems to me that the whole mystery surrounding Bella came as an after-thought, not a story they came up with in a well planned out manner. And if I play my hood consistent with the other founding pre-mades by the time Don Lothario and Dina Caliente are born, both Michael and  Bella will be elders. Now, I know Dina married Michael as an elder, but Bella is portrayed as an adult and the way things are looking from my point of view, she'd be more close to the age of Cassandra and Alexander's grandmother than their mother. Mortimer's parents aren't even born yet for crying out loud, lol!! And even if they were, they'd be growing up alongside Michael and Bella. 

It just doesn't add up.

Oh well, it's just a game and that's the best part of playing the Sims -
anything goes!!  I might go into Strangetown and see if I can spot Bella and if so, maybe play her there. In the meantime, I'll keep playing my ginger-head Bella and see what happens as far as the age thing goes. 

But at this rate, Bella is going to be way older than Mortimer if and when they ever meet!!