Oh, hey, I didn't see you come in.
How's it going?
It's goin okay I guess.
Is this your blog?
I was just finishing up on a couple edits.
I'll be done in a second.
That's okay, I don't mind waiting.
Sorry bout that.
I'm kinda anal when it comes to correct grammar and all that jazz.
No problem, I can understand that.
I've never seen your blog before.
Well, it's been around for quite awhile now.
I'm Shaye by the way and you are,...?
I like the music.
So, uh,..you are,..???
I've never heard that song before.
Who's that singing it?
The Human League,..from the early 80's.
And your name is???
Whoa, I wasn't even born yet, ha-ha!
But I like oldies.
They had some cool music back then.
Uh,..yeah,..they most certainly did.
And being we've never met before, just who are you?
Ummm,... I'm just your average Simmer out browsing Sim blogs.
Can I ask you a question?
Ask me anything you want.
Why do you have so many Sims 2 blogs?
I mean,....isn't one enough?
And the answer to that question, (and others), is underneath the cut!