*Toon It Up*

I love cartoons, I really do - 
especially Snoopy, he's my all-time favorite!

I love the whole Peanuts gang -
Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy, Sally, Schroeder, Pig-Pen -
and Woodstock too of course!!!

Our Sims are a lot like cartoons!

*Fascinating Stuff,....NOT!*

Hi There!

Oh, hey, I didn't see you come in.
How's it going?

It's goin okay I guess. 
Is this your blog?

 I was just finishing up on a couple edits.
 I'll be done in a second.

That's okay, I don't mind waiting.

Sorry bout that.
 I'm kinda anal when it comes to correct grammar and all that jazz.

No problem, I can understand that.
I've never seen your blog before.

Well, it's been around for quite awhile now.
I'm Shaye by the way and you are,...?

I like the music.

So, uh,..you are,..???
I've never heard that song before.
Who's that singing it?

The Human League,..from the early 80's.
And your name is???

Whoa, I wasn't even born yet, ha-ha!
But I like oldies.
They had some cool music back then.

Uh,..yeah,..they most certainly did.
And being we've never met before, just who are you?

Ummm,... I'm just your average Simmer out browsing Sim blogs. 
Can I ask you a question?

Ask me anything you want.

Why do you have so many Sims 2 blogs?
I mean,....isn't one enough?

And the answer to that question, (and others), is underneath the cut!

*The End*

Well, it's over.
Never to be again.

*The Locals*

When it comes to the townies in our hoods 
not everyone appreciates the "locals" as much as I do.
 I like them!

*Brandi Broke*

But it wasn't always that way with me.

*By Default*

Gee, I told myself I'd update this blog EVERY WEEK!
My last update was on June 18th 2013.

Oi Vay!
That was one heck of a looooooooong week!


I frequent quite a few forums that are dedicated to Sims 2.
I'm not super vocal when it comes to commenting but do share my game progress regularly at one particular message board, (been there over 2 years now).

At these other forums I'm basically your average, run-of-the-mill lurker.
I read way more than I comment and there was a post that got me thinking the other day about how playing and sharing our Sims has evolved into something a lot more,..well,...involved than it used to be.


Seems every time I find a Sim story out there that keeps my attention it turns out to be about gay Sims, (males, not female). But then I don't scour the net for Sim stories either, but always keep an eye out for one that might be interesting.
These gay stories don't bother me at all, (in case you were thinking it did), and I have plenty of gay, (and lesbian), story lines going with my Sims as well. Although I hesitate to call them "gay/lesbian stories" because they're the same kind of stories I have for all my other Sims, just happens that the Sims in the stories are gay or lesbian. I don't have too many Sim stories revolving around a gay or lesbian Sim coming out or having problems/major issues with their sexuality.